domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Reflection: Lemon Tree

In the movie Lemon Tree we can appreciate how Salma,  a Palestinian resident in the West Bank fights for her lemon trees planted by her great grand parents. The Israeli minister of defense builds a house right by her side and Salma's lemon trees are demanded as a security risk. Salma hires a lawyer to prevent the powerful man from having her ancestral trees removed, but there are little possibilities of winning the case against the Israeli minister.In addition Salma begins to fall in love with her lawyer which is inappropriate because she is a widow. Even though the minister wife clearly doesn't agree with her husband decision, Salma couldn't escape the Supreme Court declaration of cutting down her trees down to 30 cm tall. 

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has taken place for so long and the reasons of the conflict reside too back in history. In the movie we can see how Palestinian people are conditioned to follow orders from Israeli people even if their rules are unfair. The movie shows how religion and cultural beliefs clearly affects Salma's feelings and actions until she start doing what she likes without living under those ideas.

Picture taken from the movie Lemon Trees.

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