domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

I'm Going to Change the World Manifiesto

Daniela Fajardo
I’m Going to Change the World Manifesto
As human beings we are encouraged throughout our entire lives to change the world in order to leave a positive footprint through the path that is life. There are so many ways in order to succeed and opinions of why and how it will conducted change over time. The intentions as a child were so different from the ones I now hold proudly after high school. Each impact we had to overcome has shaped our personality into becoming better human beings wanting not only to have a career, family, and wealth but most importantly the opportunity to change the world. 
"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction." ~Bessie Stanley, 1905, commonly misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson

Since childhood I wanted to become a doctor in order to have the satisfaction of saving people lives. Having the opportunity to give people one more chance of living, forgiving, love each other and share with their loved ones has centered my attention in this career. Even though I know becoming a doctor involves the constant visit of death, all those people who are able to run from it are the ones that will make this effort worth it. My idea of succes consists that as death past by me I am totally sure that the world in which I lived in for so many time has now been modified, changed in a positive way by my existence. 

Academic and life lessons have made a huge impact in my life shaping my way of acting, thinking, and even modifying my goals when we are out into the real world. In the real world there are no teachers, parents, or any adult that guide us through the correct patch. We now become the adults who have the necessity of making decisions in order to fulfill our goals. Teachers from high school not only became academic tutors, they try each day to plant seeds such as responsibility, humbleness, and respect. Shaping us, the future civilians, into the right path. Social studies and chemistry had not only been academic courses but most importantly they showed me that power and wealth are not important in comparison to obtaining happiness by helping others. In social studies class we are able to explore historic events that changed history but what really captures my attention is the way we look at them. The ability to explore and have different point of views of a theme or in effect an historic event showed me how we need to use this tool in real life. My chemistry teacher has changed my life in such amount that I have become a better person making me realize that I'm able of achieving each of my goals. 

One year ago I had the opportunity to assist to Mega Misiones which is a whole week in which we go to give happiness to poor people in Easter week. Through this week I had the opportunity to value my parents, my home, my school and it totally had an impact in my life. People who fight each day to have food on their plate while we argue for a new cellphone, computer o even an expensive meal helped me realize how fortunate I am. Helping and improving other people life is my idea of changing the world,  even if I had the fortunate of changing only one person life it will be worth it. I just want to be able to look upon my past and be able to say proudly I completed my job in the world. 

 MLA Citation

The Quote Garden - Quotes, Sayings, Quotations, Verses (The Quote Garden - Quotes,     Sayings, Quotations, Verses).

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

The Light bulb Conspirancy

Back in time the products made were produced to last, which meant quality was better than quantity. Since the 1920's planned obsolescence was created and therefore a cartel that worked in order to reduce the life spam of products such as the light bulb. The light bulb became the first product to be affected by planned obsolescence. A normal light bulb back in time lasted for 26.000 hours while after the creation of planned obsolescence it only lasts for 1000 hours. By doing this the demand continuous light bulbs and have a constant profit fro the company.

This planned obsolescence bring a negative repercussion to the environment because all the wastes that are left of the old products. Ghana is now used as the world biggest dumper because all the wastes go there. specialists say that if happiness is related to consumption, that won't be true because in the times of Marx people bought
26 times less than today, people are less happy today than in the past.

This picture shows the wastes in Ghana.
Taken from Spain Arts & Culture

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen Prediction

Since the beginning of time humans have the ability to adapt to any kind of situation. This characteristic can be helpful in survival but as many things in planet earth it will get into a point wether humans need more than adaptation to survive. Each day we can see and overlook in the economy system how this chain is changed in order to serve the interest and benefit of few people while the majority of the population suffer the consequences. This bast population adapts to the economic system but there sure will come a time where the American empire will collapse.

In the documentary the Four Horsemen they explain how people think that the money they obtain come a from the bank itself but what is really happening is that they are creating money from nowhere. The government allows them to do this. The banks had reached a point where they need to ask the government for money supply because they are no longer able to sustain themselves. The government agrees because they fear an economic crash and therefore a possible revolution from the population affected. What people don't know is that the money received by the bank are the peoples money which are recollected from taxes. So basically, we are supplying banks. 

An American empire collapse will not only affect the northern part of the continent. It will destabilize the entire world due to immense power that the United States has right now. They are the lead power in many ways such as economic, political, and social ideals. Prices will drop and eventually the dollar will. Products that are traded between countries can no longer be affordable. Is doesn't mean it's the end of the world but just as we have seen in history it will come in order to reestablish the whole system. 

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Fractional Reserve System

Fractional reserve banking consist or explains on how a bank retains reserves (money) in order to equal the portion of deposits to satisfy the demand. These reserves are held in the bank as deposits and it is reflected  in the bank account. The fractional  reserve banking permits the money supply to grow in a a certain way which is denominated as money multiplier from the money originally created. When the funds is in the bank they are no longer belong to the customer but instead they become the bank's property.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food Inc.

Food Inc. is a documentary that shows how Americans rather choose fast food than vegetables and meet because of the low prices by which they are offered. The documentary essentially shows how chickens grow way too fast so they are not able to walk properly and how cows injest toxic chemicals that can attempt against our health. The main point of Food Inc. is to make Americans realize how important it is to know where the food injested came from because right now they are based on toxic chemicals in order to increase their income and decrease spending time in each product.

                                          Taken from Food Inc. documentary.

According to the documentary immigrants are the ones who are taking care of producing the best or more reliable seed and therefore, way better crops than the ones altered with chemicals. But these immigrants are getting arrested and deported even though they are helping in some way the American population. Race is clearly important because those who are doing good to the country population are getting punished while big corporations are filled with money.

The following article will help understand the problem with the Monsanto company also presented in the film.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Free Fall in Syria

In the Newspaper The New York Times there's an article called Three Years of Strife and Cruelty Put Syria in Free Fall published on March 17, 2014. The article talks about how the Syrian civilians are fleeing into other countries in order to escape from the conflict.

It's now the fourth year since Syrians revolted in a peaceful way and turned out into a civil war between the government and the people. The government attacks the people in such a violent way that is opening a miserable path for the Syrian country.

There has been videos and photos of all the amazing atrocities that Syrian civilians are going through. According to The New York Times, "They capture appalling suffering on video and beam the images out to the world: skeletal infants, body parts pulled from the rubble of homes, faces stretched by despair, over and over."
n Syria, 700,000 homes are damaged or destroyed. Above, a road in Deir Ezzor in January.CreditAhmad Aboud/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Barnard, Anne. "Three Years of Strife and Cruelty Put Syria in Free Fall." The New York Times. The New York Times, 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.


It is very easy to differentiate a Chinese person from an American personas but this isn't the only way of determining the race of an individual. The idea of race is a modern idea because in ancient time they weren't divided by physical appearances but by religion, status, or language. The first time we can see in practice a definition of race is when Americans created slavery demanding control over similar physical characteristics.  Although this beliefs were taking seriously in the past, in the modern age there is proof that there are no sub species in the human race, we are among the most similar of all species.
In The Power of an Illusion they show how there are no genes or traits that determine a persons race. The genes that determine the sin color are totally different to the ones that determine the hair color or texture in an individual, thats why we can base the definition of ones race in their skin color. 
Racism still exist and society has demanded better opportunities to the whites more the the black race which clearly shows how people don't understand the real definition of race. 

The following link is a way of defining race by Ian F. Haney in a different king of way.

PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. <>.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Issue of the Defense Wall in Palestine

This video is very interesting because it talks about the reasons behind the creation of the defensive wall surrounding Israel. It also talks how Israel supplies Gaza with fresh drinking water and electricity with actual reservoirs. This video is taken or taught by an Israeli point of view also from an American point of view because they are economically supported by the United States of America.

Reflection: Lemon Tree

In the movie Lemon Tree we can appreciate how Salma,  a Palestinian resident in the West Bank fights for her lemon trees planted by her great grand parents. The Israeli minister of defense builds a house right by her side and Salma's lemon trees are demanded as a security risk. Salma hires a lawyer to prevent the powerful man from having her ancestral trees removed, but there are little possibilities of winning the case against the Israeli minister.In addition Salma begins to fall in love with her lawyer which is inappropriate because she is a widow. Even though the minister wife clearly doesn't agree with her husband decision, Salma couldn't escape the Supreme Court declaration of cutting down her trees down to 30 cm tall. 

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has taken place for so long and the reasons of the conflict reside too back in history. In the movie we can see how Palestinian people are conditioned to follow orders from Israeli people even if their rules are unfair. The movie shows how religion and cultural beliefs clearly affects Salma's feelings and actions until she start doing what she likes without living under those ideas.

Picture taken from the movie Lemon Trees.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Refugees in Sudan

Sudanese refugees are persons from Sudan migrating to seek shelter outside their native country. Sudan has always been a territory consisted of several civil wars and environmental changes. This created a forced migration of the Sudanese population. The refugee is a person who is outside his or her country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted "social group" or because they are fleeing a war. A person may also be called an 'asylum seeker' until recognized by the state where they make a claim.

There is a large number of Sudanese refugees in Egypt. Many Sudanese travel to Cairo to obtain official recognition of their refugee status from the UNHCR. The Sudanese refugees in Egypt fall under two categories: those who are waiting for their status-determination interview and those who have been rejected or who are self-settled. More of the 50 percent of Sudanese asylum seekers have their applications for refugee status rejected. The UNHCR in Cairo does not recognize polygamous unions, so they will not refer polygamists for resettlement to countries where polygamy is not permitted. All of these factors have contributed to the break-up of families, divorce, and the abandonment of children.

Conflict in Syria

Syria is a territory in the Middle-east that is surrounded by Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey. Syria way too many diverse ethnic and religious groups that leads to instability. Each on of the groups located in Syria wants to have economical, religious, and political control over the territory and that creates several wars and fights nowadays.

Right now, there is a war present in Syria consist of the government led by President Bashar al-Assad against the people that re demanding more economical, political, and civil freedom. This civil war is becoming an uprising event in history demanding too many death to the list. The Syrian Government defend their actions by declaring the opposition as terrorists that are trying to destabilize the country.

The President of the United States,Barack Obama, and many other important leaders  are discussing the pros ans cons o entering in a civil war in order to help Syria end this tragedy.

About Me

My name is Daniela Fajardo, I am currently a senior student at Colegio Panamericano. I am 16 years old and living with my mother. I would like to study Medicine because it's areas and purpose of research only can bring good to a community. In my free time I like to hang out with friends and sleep.