martes, 29 de abril de 2014

The Light bulb Conspirancy

Back in time the products made were produced to last, which meant quality was better than quantity. Since the 1920's planned obsolescence was created and therefore a cartel that worked in order to reduce the life spam of products such as the light bulb. The light bulb became the first product to be affected by planned obsolescence. A normal light bulb back in time lasted for 26.000 hours while after the creation of planned obsolescence it only lasts for 1000 hours. By doing this the demand continuous light bulbs and have a constant profit fro the company.

This planned obsolescence bring a negative repercussion to the environment because all the wastes that are left of the old products. Ghana is now used as the world biggest dumper because all the wastes go there. specialists say that if happiness is related to consumption, that won't be true because in the times of Marx people bought
26 times less than today, people are less happy today than in the past.

This picture shows the wastes in Ghana.
Taken from Spain Arts & Culture

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen Prediction

Since the beginning of time humans have the ability to adapt to any kind of situation. This characteristic can be helpful in survival but as many things in planet earth it will get into a point wether humans need more than adaptation to survive. Each day we can see and overlook in the economy system how this chain is changed in order to serve the interest and benefit of few people while the majority of the population suffer the consequences. This bast population adapts to the economic system but there sure will come a time where the American empire will collapse.

In the documentary the Four Horsemen they explain how people think that the money they obtain come a from the bank itself but what is really happening is that they are creating money from nowhere. The government allows them to do this. The banks had reached a point where they need to ask the government for money supply because they are no longer able to sustain themselves. The government agrees because they fear an economic crash and therefore a possible revolution from the population affected. What people don't know is that the money received by the bank are the peoples money which are recollected from taxes. So basically, we are supplying banks. 

An American empire collapse will not only affect the northern part of the continent. It will destabilize the entire world due to immense power that the United States has right now. They are the lead power in many ways such as economic, political, and social ideals. Prices will drop and eventually the dollar will. Products that are traded between countries can no longer be affordable. Is doesn't mean it's the end of the world but just as we have seen in history it will come in order to reestablish the whole system. 

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Fractional Reserve System

Fractional reserve banking consist or explains on how a bank retains reserves (money) in order to equal the portion of deposits to satisfy the demand. These reserves are held in the bank as deposits and it is reflected  in the bank account. The fractional  reserve banking permits the money supply to grow in a a certain way which is denominated as money multiplier from the money originally created. When the funds is in the bank they are no longer belong to the customer but instead they become the bank's property.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food Inc.

Food Inc. is a documentary that shows how Americans rather choose fast food than vegetables and meet because of the low prices by which they are offered. The documentary essentially shows how chickens grow way too fast so they are not able to walk properly and how cows injest toxic chemicals that can attempt against our health. The main point of Food Inc. is to make Americans realize how important it is to know where the food injested came from because right now they are based on toxic chemicals in order to increase their income and decrease spending time in each product.

                                          Taken from Food Inc. documentary.

According to the documentary immigrants are the ones who are taking care of producing the best or more reliable seed and therefore, way better crops than the ones altered with chemicals. But these immigrants are getting arrested and deported even though they are helping in some way the American population. Race is clearly important because those who are doing good to the country population are getting punished while big corporations are filled with money.

The following article will help understand the problem with the Monsanto company also presented in the film.