domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Refugees in Sudan

Sudanese refugees are persons from Sudan migrating to seek shelter outside their native country. Sudan has always been a territory consisted of several civil wars and environmental changes. This created a forced migration of the Sudanese population. The refugee is a person who is outside his or her country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted "social group" or because they are fleeing a war. A person may also be called an 'asylum seeker' until recognized by the state where they make a claim.

There is a large number of Sudanese refugees in Egypt. Many Sudanese travel to Cairo to obtain official recognition of their refugee status from the UNHCR. The Sudanese refugees in Egypt fall under two categories: those who are waiting for their status-determination interview and those who have been rejected or who are self-settled. More of the 50 percent of Sudanese asylum seekers have their applications for refugee status rejected. The UNHCR in Cairo does not recognize polygamous unions, so they will not refer polygamists for resettlement to countries where polygamy is not permitted. All of these factors have contributed to the break-up of families, divorce, and the abandonment of children.

Conflict in Syria

Syria is a territory in the Middle-east that is surrounded by Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey. Syria way too many diverse ethnic and religious groups that leads to instability. Each on of the groups located in Syria wants to have economical, religious, and political control over the territory and that creates several wars and fights nowadays.

Right now, there is a war present in Syria consist of the government led by President Bashar al-Assad against the people that re demanding more economical, political, and civil freedom. This civil war is becoming an uprising event in history demanding too many death to the list. The Syrian Government defend their actions by declaring the opposition as terrorists that are trying to destabilize the country.

The President of the United States,Barack Obama, and many other important leaders  are discussing the pros ans cons o entering in a civil war in order to help Syria end this tragedy.

About Me

My name is Daniela Fajardo, I am currently a senior student at Colegio Panamericano. I am 16 years old and living with my mother. I would like to study Medicine because it's areas and purpose of research only can bring good to a community. In my free time I like to hang out with friends and sleep.